and Another ....

Yeah, I am well aware of the crappy way renters are treated at GSI. I rented there 6 years ago. I signed a 7-month lease, moved in the beginning of September, started house hunting late in February (that was my intention, hence the short-term lease), paid my rent on time, okay, round about the beginning of March they started putting notices at my door about renewing my lease which would expire the end of March, (yes, the math works out, September to March is 7 months), I found myself a condo that I loved, signed the papers, made the phone calls, etc, etc.....gave my written notice on or about February 21st, all seemed well with the world...NOT, all of a sudden I get this phone call that I had to pay all of the expected rent until the "legal" expiration date, which according to office brains, was May 1.......uh, no, sez I, do the math, September to March is 7 months, I had a closing date of March 26th, which I planned on moving my things over to the new place at a nice slow pace....spent most of that time arguing, the paper I had with MY name in ink said the lease expired March 31...they claimed not, that seven months meant 7 calender months, not lunar months (nothing is making sense at this point) I then threatened to call Mel at the News Press, AND several news channels, it could make an interesting story. GSI finally relinquished, however, about 2 months after I moved out (gladly), I get a threatening letter from some fancy schmansy attorney regarding the "debris" I left in the apartment (to be specific: a half roll of toilet paper in the john and a note left for the management on the kitchen countertop) and because of this, my deposit was never returned and I was to IMMEDIATELY remit the balance left that it cost them to clean the place up (don't they have to do that anyway?) I fought like mad and waited to play my trump card until last and that was a video tape of the apartment the day I removed my last personal item. Never heard another word from them. What a bunch of assholes!!!!!!!!


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